Alaska Integrated Solid Waste Plan Template
The latest version of the Alaska ISWMP Template is Test Version 8.6 1/05/21.
For information about this plan template, contact Lynn Zender at 907 277 2111 or Below is the link to download the latest version as well as the copyright information for the template. Also given is a link to the programmed tables in Excel that match the tables in the template and can be used for automatically calculating the formulas in the tables. A link to the 5 Elements checklist can also be found below which shows where the USEPA Primary 5-Elements and Sub-Elements are at in the template.
Also note that trainings on how to use the template are offered three times per year. If you would like information about these trainings or would like to sign up for a training, contact Lynn Zender at 907 277 2111 or Limited free-of-charge technical assistance by Zender Environmental is also available. When TAT assistance is unavailable, assistance is offered by Zender Environmental to Tribes at discounted rates.Check back on this site for future updates or features that may be useful to your community in SWM planning. Also see our solid waste training and technical assistance page for more information.
CLICK HERE to download the Alaska ISWMP Template Version 8.6 1/05/21
CLICK HERE to download the programmed Excel tables from the Template
CLICK HERE to download the growth rate calculation document
CLICK HERE to download the 5 Elements checklist
COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: The ASIWMP was developed by Zender Environmental Health and Research Group (“Zender Environmental”). Funded by Zender Environmental, USDA Rural Development, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, and AK Forum. © Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. The AISWMP was created for individual Tribes and rural communities to develop their own solid waste plans. Individual Tribes, First Nations, or communities who do not use sub-contractors in preparation of this plan may delete the footer in this template in its entirety. All other entities, including sub-contractors to governments, agencies, and Tribal and non-Tribal non-profits, must request permission for use, and use the appropriate citation methodology (e.g. “based on”, “modified from”, “excerpted from”, etc. in a location to be determined by extent and purpose of use). The footer may then be deleted upon approval of request to Zender Environmental.