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Burning Wastes
- Waste Burning – Why it Matters and What You Can Do
- Waste Index (including burning)
- Waste Burning Tips
- Health Effects of Burning Trash
- Overview of Burning Wastes
- Alaska Village Air Toxics Fact Sheet
- Exposure Pathway Assessment Worksheet for Dumpsite Wastes
- Waste Burning Field Sampling Methods for Small Studies
- Improved combustion and emissions for MSW Burn-Management Unit applicable to remote communities in Alaska (Summary of Final Report for USEPA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), Tok Welding and Fabrication Report Prepared by Zender Environmental Health and Research Group)
- Burnbox Information
- Incinerator Information
- Locally Made Burnbox Designs
- Tribal Air Quality in Alaska (EPA Region 10 Website)
- Alaska Native Village Air Quality Fact Sheet Series Solid Waste Burning (EPA Region 10 Factsheet)
- Alaska DEC – Trash Burning Information and Documents(DEC Solid Waste Program Website)
- What to do with trash in the tundra (2006 presentation)
- Air pollution impacts from dumps in Rural Alaska (2007 presentation)
- Reducing the Impacts of Burning in Rural Alaska (ITEP/EPA 2009 presentation with credit to Lori Verbrugge, Joe Sarcone, Lynn Zender, and Desirae Roehl)
- Protecting Communities from Open Dumps (2005 presentation)
- Advantages to Starting a Collection Service in Your Community (Starting a collection program is a great way to reduce health risks and keep people away from the smoke source)
- Other Open Burning Related Literature/Documents
- Emissions of organic air toxics from open burning: a comprehensive review
- PCDD/F Emissions from Uncontrolled, Domestic Waste Burning
- Emissions of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans from the Open Burning of Household Waste in Barrels
- Chemicals Released During Open Burning
- Chemicals in Open Burning
- Open Burning Emission Factors