Rural Alaska Community Environmental Job Training (‘RaceJT’)
Eligibility Criteria
To be accepted into RACEJT, the following threshold eligibility criteria apply:
- Must be unemployed or under-employed, working no more than 20 hour per week total or working several jobs to make ends meet.
- Must live in a rural Alaska community of 1,500 people or less and off the road system or at least a 3-hour drive from a Class I Landfill for all or part of the year.
- Must have completed high school diploma or GED
- Will need copy of social security card
- Priority to applicants with work lined up or identified once graduation is completed
- Must agree to zero-tolerance policy and random breathalyzer tests
- Must agree to follow Zender Policies and Procedures
- Two references
- Other eligibility factors may be included in the application packet
Questions? If you have questions about your eligibility, we encourage you to ask!
Sometimes it isn’t straightforward, and you may have a unique circumstance. Text or
call April McCoy at 907-717-4754.